What To Eat After Tooth Extraction (First 7 Days)

What to eat after tooth extraction to promote healing, including suggested foods From extraction day 1 to day 7 of recovery, and what not to eat.

what to eat after tooth extraction
what to eat after tooth extraction

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a common dental process that includes removing a tooth from its socket.

The procedure can be necessary due to several reasons, such as tooth decay, gum disease, or overcrowding of the teeth.

While the extraction itself is generally a quick and routine process, the individual recovery period can be longer and more involved.

Proper nutrition during the recovery period is essential for a fast and successful recovery.

Eating the right foods can help you to reduce swelling and inflammation, prevent infection, and promote healing.

In this article, we are going to discuss what to eat after tooth extraction and will try to provide you with a Detailed guide to help you follow through your tooth removal recovery journey.

We’ll cover everything you nee dto know from soft foods to eat in the first few days after your procedure to foods that can help you promote bone growth and healing after a bone graft procedure.

What to Eat After Tooth Extraction

After a tooth extraction, it’s essential to eat soft, Foods that are easy-to-chew that won’t irritate the extraction area.

You need to avoid hot, spicy, or acidic foods, as well as foods that are hard or crunchy that difficult to chew or put pressure on your teeth’s.

Here are some examples of soft foods that are safe to eat after a tooth extraction:

  • Mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes
  • Smoothies and milkshakes
  • Soup (broth-based or pureed)
  • Cooked vegetables, such as carrots or green beans
  • Scrambled eggs or omelets
  • Yogurt or pudding

It’s also advised to eat nutritious foods that can promote healing.

Here are some examples of foods that are found high in nutrients also that can you with fast recovery:

  • Lean protein, like chicken or fish
  • Green Leafy vegetables, like spinach or kale
  • Fruits, like berries or bananas
  • Whole-Grains, like brown rice or quinoa
  • Seeds and Nuts, like almonds or chia seeds

By including these types of foods into your regular diet after a tooth extraction, you can help your body to heal and recover more quickly (Read Studies).

What to Eat After Tooth Extraction Day 1-7

What to Eat After Tooth Extraction Day 1 to Day 7 , First week after a tooth extraction is quite important for you,

Because your mouth will still be healing and it’s important to continue eating soft, easy-to-chew foods.

However, as the days go on, you can start to include some solid foods as long as they’re still soft and easy to chew.

Here are some specific food suggestions for each day of the first week after the procedure, taking into account the different stages of recovery:

What to Eat After Tooth Extraction Day 1

After 24 hrs or 48 hrs of the procedure, it is advised to stick to soft foods like pudding, applesauce, and broth. Avoid hot foods and drinks.

What To Eat After Tooth Extraction Day 2

Continue with soft foods like mashed potatoes and smoothies, but you can also start to incorporate more solid foods that are still easy to chew, like scrambled eggs and pasta.

What To Eat 3 Days After Tooth Extraction

You can start to eat more solid foods, like cooked vegetables and chicken, but still avoid anything that’s hard or crunchy.

What To Eat After Tooth Extraction Day 5 to 7:

You can start to eat more normal foods as long as they’re still soft and easy to chew. Try foods like oatmeal, cooked grains, and soft fruits like bananas.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

what to eat after wisdom teeth removal, Wisdom teeth removal is a kind of tooth extraction that involves removing the molars at the back of your mouth.

The recovery process is quite similar like a regular tooth extraction, but because the procedure is more detailed,

it may take longer time to recover. Here are some specific food list that suggest “what to eat after wisdom teeth removal”:

  • Soft foods like mashed potatoes, pudding, and smoothies for the first few days after the procedure
  • Broth-based soups, pureed soups, and stews as you start to feel better
  • Cold foods like ice cream or frozen yogurt to help soothe any swelling
  • Soft proteins like scrambled eggs or tofu to help promote healing
  • Nutritious foods like leafy greens and fruits to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to recover

Try avoiding anything that’s hard, crunchy, or difficult to chew for at least a week after the procedure.

This includes foods like chips, nuts, and popcorn. Please take a note to avoid hot or spicy foods that can irritate your tooth extraction area.

By following these tips and including soft and nutritious foods into your diet, you can easily speed up your recovery after wisdom teeth removal (Related Studies).

list of Food -what to eat after tooth extraction day 1 to day 7
list of Food -what to eat after tooth extraction day 1 to day 7

What to Eat After Tooth Extraction and Bone Graft

What to Eat After Tooth Extraction and Bone Graft, After a tooth extraction and bone graft procedure,

it’s important to eat foods that are rich in vitamins and essential minerals that will help to promote bone growth as well as healing.

Here are list of food that help to answer what to eat after a tooth extraction and bone graft:

Protein-rich foods: Protein is essential for tissue growth and repair. Foods such as eggs, chicken, fish, and tofu are great sources of protein.

Foods high in calcium and vitamin D: Calcium is important for bone growth and repair, while vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium.

Foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, leafy greens, and fortified cereals are good sources of both calcium and vitamin D.

Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that can aid in the healing process. Berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, mango, spinach, and broccoli are all good options.

Healthy fats: Healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, and olive oil can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

It’s also advised to avoid hard or crunchy foods that could damage the extraction area or dislodge the dental graft.

As your healing progresses, you can gradually include some soft solid foods back into your diet.

What Not to Eat After Tooth Extraction

What not to eat after tooth extraction, it is also important to include nutrient rich foods after a tooth extraction to improve your healing process,

there are some foods that are advised to avoid to prevent irritation or infection of the extraction area.

Here are list of foods to avoid after a tooth extraction:

Hard or crunchy foods: Foods such as chips, popcorn, and nuts can be difficult to chew and may damage the extraction area.

Spicy or acidic foods: Spices and acids can irritate the extraction area and delay the healing process.

Alcohol: Drinking alcohol can delay healing and increase the risk of bleeding and infection.

Carbonated drinks: The carbonation in drinks such as soda can dislodge blood clots and delay the healing process.

Hot liquids: Hot liquids such as coffee or tea can increase blood flow to the extraction area, causing more bleeding and discomfort.

Avoid using straws or smoking, as the suction can dislodge blood clots and further delay in the healing process.

Following a soft food diet for the first few days can help to ensure a smooth recovery (Recomended Studies).

Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening

Conclusion What To Eat After Tooth Extraction

A Proper nutrition is an importent part of your recovery process after a tooth extraction.

Eating the right foods can help you to promote your healing, reduce inflammation, and also minimize the discomfort.

By following a soft food diet for the first few days and gradually introducing more solid foods as the extraction part heals, you can ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Summary, some of the best foods to eat after a tooth extraction include soft fruits, cooked vegetables,

protein-rich foods such as eggs and yogurt, and healthy fats like avocados and nut butter.

It’s also important to stay hydrated and avoid certain foods and behaviors that can irritate the extraction area,

such as hard or crunchy foods, spicy or acidic foods, alcohol, and smoking.


How long after tooth extraction I can eat?

You can eat soft foods immediately after extraction, but wait at least 24 hours before resuming a normal diet.

What food is good after a tooth extraction?

Soft, nutritious foods that are easy to eat and chew, such as soups, broths, smoothies, and pureed fruits and vegetables.

What should I avoid eating after tooth extraction?

Hard, crunchy food that difficult to chew and spicy, and acidic foods, as well as alcohol, smoking, and using straws.

Can I drink water after tooth-extraction?

Yes, it’s advised to stay hydrated. Drink water or other non-carbonated, non-alcoholic, and non-caffeinated beverages.

Can I eat ice cream after tooth extraction?

Yes, but only after waiting at least 24 hours and avoiding any ice cream with nuts, cookie chunks, or other hard or crunchy ingredients.

When can I eat a solid food after tooth extraction?

Wait until the extraction area has healed, which can take up to a week or more, before gradually introducing soft solid foods.

What can I eat after 24 hours after tooth extraction?

Stick to soft, cold foods that won’t irritate the extraction area, such as smoothies, yogurt, pudding, and ice cream.

Recomended Soft foods after tooth extraction

Soft and nutritious foods like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and cooked vegetables are ideal for the first few days after tooth extraction.