What to Eat After Colonoscopy: A Guide to a Speedy Recovery

Discover what to eat after colonoscopy to promote healing and avoid discomfort. This guide includes dietary recommendations, meal ideas, and frequently asked questions to help you bounce back quickly.

What to Eat After Colonoscopy A Guide to a Speedy Recovery
What to Eat After Colonoscopy A Guide to a Speedy Recovery

What is Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is a medical procedure that helps in examines the large intestine to detect any signs of disease or is there any abnormal growths.

This procedure itself is relatively quick and painless; the recovery process can be uncomfortable for some people.

One of the most important parts of recovering from a colonoscopy you must know what to eat after the procedure.

In this article, we will help you with a detailed guide on what to eat after colonoscopy procedure.

What to Eat After Colonoscopy

What to Eat After Colonoscopy: Dietary Recommendations

Following a colonoscopy, it is important to east foods that are soft and easy to the digestive system, easy to digest, and can help reduce stomach inflammation.

Following are some dietary recommendations by professionals that you can follow: Read Studies


Drinking plenty of fluids after a colonoscopy is needed to prevent from dehydration and to also to flush out any remaining gas from the procedure.

It is also recommended to drink at least eight cups of water or other non-caffeinated drinks every day.

Low-Fiber Foods

Foods that are known high in fiber can be difficult to digest and it will cause discomfort.

It is highly recommended that to consume only low-fiber foods like white bread, pasta, cooked vegetables, and fruits without skin.

Lean Protein

as you know Protein is quite essential for healing and repairing body tissues after the any surgery.

However, it is also recommended to select good lean sources of protein such as chicken, fish, turkey, and eggs for a faster recovery.

Avoid Spicy and Acidic Foods

it is recommended to avoid Spicy and acidic foods as they can lead to discomfort and irritation to the digestive system. It is highly suggested to avoid any spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and vinegar.

What to Eat After Colonoscopy: Meal Ideas

Now that we know what foods to eat after a colonoscopy, it is also important to take a look at some meal ideas that you can include into your diet for a speedy recovery:


  • Scrambled eggs with whole grain toast can be a great option.
  • Oatmeal and  mashed banana and honey
  • Yogurt with chopped soft fruit


  • Grilled chicken with cooked vegetables
  • Fish with mashed potatoes and steamed carrots
  • Vegetable soup with white bread


  • Turkey chili with white rice
  • Baked salmon with roasted sweet potatoes
  • Spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs (without spice)


  • Crackers with hummus
  • Cottage cheese with chopped fruit
  • Smoothie made with protein powder, banana, and almond milk
What to Eat After Colonoscopy Dietary Guidelines After Colonoscopy
What to Eat After Colonoscopy Dietary Guidelines After Colonoscopy

what to Eat After Colonoscopy Polyp Removal

After a colonoscopy with polyp removal, it’s important know that you have to take care of your body and provide it with the right and required nutrients to improve healing process.

Please note that Your digestive system can be sensitive after the procedure, so it’s advisable to stick around to a low-fiber diet at least for a few days.

Consuming low-fiber foods like white bread, pasta, cooked vegetables, and fruits without skin can help ease digestion and it will also easy your bowl movements.

Apart from that, lean protein such as chicken, fish, turkey, and eggs are an essential thing for repairing and rebuilding the damaged tissues.

It’s also important to keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, such as water and non-caffeinated drinks.

Read More: The Complete Plant Based Recipe Cookbook To Help Getting Recover

It’s best to avoid all spicy and acidic foods, as they can cause discomfort and irritation to the digestive system.

You also have to avoid dairy products such as milk, cheese and high-fat foods at least for a few days after the procedure are conducted for a faster recovery.

It’s important to listen to what your body says and gradually include low-fiber foods into your regular diet (studies) when you start feeling better.

If you feel any discomfort or pain in stomach, it’s best to consult with your doctor immediately.

What to Eat After Colonoscopy

Conclusion: What to Eat After Colonoscopy

Knowing what to eat after colonoscopy is crucial to promote healing and avoid discomfort.

It is suggested to include foods that are soft and easy on the digestive system, and are easy to digest, and can help reduce stomach inflammation.

It is also important to keep yourself hydrated through out the day and slowly include low-fiber foods into your diet.

By following this dietary change, meal ideas, and frequently asked questions, you can easily lead to a speedy and comfortable recovery after your colonoscopy.

Read More:

Weight Loss after Hiatal Hernia Surgery: Tips and Strategies

Some Relative Studies

Comparison Between Clear, Low-residue and Regular Diet

Unrestricted Diet for Screening Colonoscopy – Clinical Trials

What to Eat After Colonoscopy: Frequently Asked Questions

When can I start eating normally after a colonoscopy?

It is highly recommended to start with clear liquids and then gradually include low-fiber foods. You can start eating normally after a few days once your digestive system feels comfortable.

Can I eat dairy products after a colonoscopy?

Yes, dairy products are allowed after a colonoscopy. However, it is also recommended to include low-fat options in beginning.

Can I drink alcohol after a colonoscopy?

You must avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours after the procedure its best if you don’t consume alcohol for a month.

What is the best thing to eat after a colonoscopy?

It’s best to eat a low-fiber diet and east easy-to-digest foods like lean protein, cooked vegetables, and fruits.