Anabolic Running 2.0 Reviews: Unveiling Customer Feedback and Complaints

Anabolic Running 2.0 PDF program by Joe LoGalbo reviews. Read real Customer feedback and complaints
Anabolic Running 2.0 PDF program by Joe LoGalbo reviews

Read Anabolic Running 2.0 reviews exploring real customer feedback and complaints. Discover if this fitness program lives up to its promises and if it’s right for you.

Anabolic Running Reviews by Joe LoGalbo

Anabolic Running 2.0 is one of those programs that has gotten a lot of attention But does it deliver? Because in the world of fitness where programs promise quick results and hormone optimization get all the attention? In this Anabolic Running 2.0 PDF review we’ll dive deep into Anabolic Running and look at customer reviews and complaints to give you the whole story.

As we go through real user experiences remember that individual results may vary. Our goal is to give you an honest review of Anabolic Running 2.0 so you can make an informed decision if this program is for you.

Anabolic Running 2.0 is a new fitness program by Joe Lo Galbo for men who want to boost testosterone, burn fat and build lean muscle in minimal time. This PDF guide introduces short intense running sessions that trigger anabolic hormones so your body can grow muscle and shred fat. Perfect for busy people Anabolic Running 2.0 delivers maximum results with minimal effort so it’s a no brainer for anyone looking to supercharge their workouts.

What is Anabolic Running 2.0?

Anabolic Running 2.0 is a fitness program by Joe LoGalbo, a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast. The program promises a new way of doing cardio that not only gets you fit but also optimizes male hormones, specifically testosterone and growth hormone.

Anabolic Running 2.0 Features.

  • Short, intense workouts (16 minutes a week)
  • Lactic acid threshold training
  • Nasal breathing techniques
  • Natural testosterone and growth hormone boost
  • Bonus resources. nutrition advice and extra workouts

The program is based on the idea that traditional cardio is bad for testosterone in men. Instead Anabolic Running 2.0 offers a way to boost hormone production while getting fit.

The science behind Anabolic Running 2.0 is based on two main principles - lactic acid threshold training and high intensity exercise
The science behind Anabolic Running 2.0 is based on two main principles lactic acid threshold training and high intensity exercise

Anabolic Running 2.0 Program PDF

Anabolic Running 2.0 program is a full fitness system designed for men. Here are the main components.

Core Anabolic Running Program.

  • 16 minute workouts 2-3 times a week
  • High intensity running techniques
  • Reaches lactic acid threshold
  • Includes nasal breathing techniques

Shock and Awe Strength Bonus.

  • 6 minute exercise sequence
  • Builds functional strength and muscle
  • Bodyweight exercises

Testosterone Hacker Handbook.

  • 41 testosterone boosting tips
  • Diet and lifestyle advice

Indoor Anabolic Running Guide.

  • Indoor versions of the program
  • Bodyweight exercises and cardio machine workouts

17 Foods to Boost Libido Guide.

  • Food guide to boost libido
  • Meal ideas and recipes

Positive Anabolic Running 2.0 Reviews

Many have had great results with Anabolic Running 2.0. Here’s what users are saying.

  1. Time Saver – Many reviews mention the short workout time as a big plus. Users love being able to fit in effective workouts into their busy schedules.
  2. More Energy – Some have reported feeling more energetic throughout the day after following the Anabolic Running protocol.
  3. Muscle Definition – A few have noticed muscle tone and definition in the legs and core.
  4. Hormone Boost – Hard to measure without blood tests but some have reported feeling the effects of increased testosterone (more libido and mood)
  5. Cardio – Many have noticed improvements in overall cardio fitness.
"I was doubtful at first but after 6 weeks of Anabolic Running I'm seeing big improvements in my energy and overall fitness. The workouts fit into my busy schedule." - John D., Anabolic Running 2.0 user
Anabolic Running 2.0 is an interesting approach to fitness for men who want to optimize their hormones and get in and out quickly

Anabolic Running 2.0 Complaints

While many love it, we also have to consider the complaints.

  1. Over promotion – Some users feel the marketing is over the top, especially with the hormone optimization claims.
  2. Intensity – The workouts are intense and not for beginners or those with certain health conditions.
  3. Not enough variety – A few users get bored with the workouts after a while.
  4. No personalization – Some critics say the one size fits all approach doesn’t account for individual differences in fitness levels and goals.
  5. Customer service issues – A few users have had problems with customer service, especially with refunds.

Claim Your Anabolic Running 2.0 Program PDF from Official Website

The Science Behind Anabolic Running 2.0 Program

The science behind Anabolic Running 2.0 is based on two main principles – lactic acid threshold training and high intensity exercise and hormone production.

Lactic Acid Threshold Training

Research shows training at or near the lactic acid threshold improves endurance and overall fitness. A study in the Journal of Physiology found this type of training leads to big improvements in endurance performance.

Hormone Production and Exercise

Intense exercise can temporarily increase testosterone and growth hormone but the long term effects are not clear. A review in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation found while acute increases in these hormones occur during and immediately after exercise, the effect on basal hormone levels is not as big.

HormoneAcute Response to ExerciseLong-Term Impact
TestosteroneTemporary increaseMixed results
Growth HormoneSignificant spikePotential modest increase
CortisolTemporary increaseMay decrease with regular training

Just to be clear, the science behind Anabolic Running 2.0 is sound, but the specific claims made may not be entirely supported by current research.

Anabolic Running 2.0 vs Other Fitness Programs

Let’s compare it to other popular options.

Steady-State Cardio

  • Pros – Lower intensity, beginner friendly
  • Cons – Time consuming, less effective for fat loss


  • Pros – Time efficient, fat loss and cardiovascular health
  • Cons – Can be too intense for beginners, higher risk of injury

Strength Training

  • Pros – Builds muscle, increases metabolism
  • Cons – Requires gym equipment, less focus on cardio

Anabolic Running 2.0

  • Pros – Time efficient, claims hormone optimization, cardio and intensity
  • Cons – Too intense for some, limited variety

Anabolic Running 2.0 has some similarities to HIIT but its hormone optimization and nasal breathing techniques are unique.

Who is Anabolic Running 2.0 for?

Anabolic Running 2.0 is great for.

  • Time poor – If you have a busy schedule and can’t fit in longer workouts
  • Intermediate to advanced – If you have a solid fitness base and want a new challenge
  • Men concerned about hormone levels – While results may vary, if you’re looking for a natural way to boost testosterone you might be interested
  • Athletes looking to increase anaerobic capacity – The high intensity workouts will benefit those in sports that require short bursts of speed

But please note this program is not for everyone. Beginners, those with certain health conditions or those who are not comfortable with high intensity exercise should consult a doctor before starting.

Risks and Side Effects

Many users have reported great results but please be aware of the risks.

  1. Overtraining – The workouts are high intensity so overtraining if not balanced with rest.
  2. Injury – High intensity exercise carries a higher risk of injury if not done with proper form.
  3. Cardiovascular stress – If you have a pre-existing heart condition please be careful with high intensity exercise.
  4. Hormonal imbalance – While the program claims to boost hormones, any significant changes in hormone levels should be monitored by a doctor.

Always consult a doctor before starting any new exercise program especially one as intense as Anabolic Running 2.0.

Is Anabolic Running 2.0 legit?

The legitimacy of Anabolic Running 2.0 is debated in the fitness world. Here’s the facts.


  1. The program is based on some scientifically proven principles, high intensity interval training (HIIT) and lactic threshold training which have been shown to improve fitness and potentially boost hormone levels.
  2. Many users have reported great results in fitness, energy and body composition.
  3. It has a money back guarantee which means they must be confident in the program.
  4. Short intense workouts are in line with current exercise science which advocates for short high intensity sessions.


  1. Some of the claims especially the hormone optimization may be exaggerated or not backed up by current science.
  2. The marketing language is over the top which raises red flags.
  3. The one size fits all approach may not work for everyone even though the program claims it does.
  4. The results promised by the program may not be achievable for everyone which may lead to disappointment.

Anabolic Running 2.0 has some good fitness principles but the extent of its effectiveness especially the hormone optimization may be exaggerated. Please approach these programs with a critical eye and realistic expectations.

This could be good for time efficient high intensity workouts. But as with any fitness program results will vary based on individual factors such as current fitness level, diet, genetics and consistency with the program.

AnaBolic Running 2.0 PDF Price and Value

Knowing the cost and what’s included in the Anabolic Running 2.0 program from their official website is key.

  • Base Program Cost – $15 (as of last update)
  • 60 day money back guarantee

What’s Included in this program

  1. Anabolic Running 2.0 program
  2. Shock and Awe Strength bonus
  3. Testosterone Hacker Handbook
  4. Indoor Anabolic Running guide
  5. 17 Foods to Boost Libido guide
AnaBolic Running 2.0 PDF Price and Value
AnaBolic Running 2.0 PDF Price and Value

While the price is low compared to many other fitness programs opinions on value are mixed.

  • Pro – Many feel the program and bonus resources are worth it.
  • Con – Some say similar info can be found for free online or elsewhere for cheaper.

Tips for Success With Anabolic Running 2.0

If you decide to try Anabolic Running 2.0 here are some tips to help you get the most out of it.

  1. Start slow – Even if you’re in shape start slow to avoid overdoing it.
  2. Focus on form – Technique is key for both effectiveness and injury prevention.
  3. Listen to your body – Don’t push through pain or discomfort.
  4. Eat balanced – Nutrition is key to hormone balance and overall fitness.
  5. Be consistent – Consistency is key.
  6. Add strength training – Consider adding in strength exercises.
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FAQ’s About Anabolic Running 2.0

How long is the Anabolic Running 2.0 program?

16 minute workouts 2-3 times a week.

Do I need special equipment?

Minimal equipment required. Most workouts can be done with just running shoes and open space.

Is Anabolic Running 2.0 for women?

While marketed to men, the principles can work for women too. But the hormone optimization is male specific.

Can I do Anabolic Running 2.0 with other workouts?

Yes many users do these workouts as part of a bigger fitness routine. But you have to be very careful not to overtrain.

How long until I see results?

Results vary but some users see changes in energy and fitness in a few weeks. Physical changes take longer.

Conclusion: is Anabolic Running 2.0 Any Good

Anabolic Running 2.0 is an interesting approach to fitness for men who want to optimize their hormones and get in and out quickly. Many users have given it good reviews but you have to take the claims with a grain of salt. It’s efficient and can help with overall fitness but there are also downsides. The workouts may not be for everyone and some of the hormone optimization claims are probably exaggerated given the lack of science behind them.

How effective Anabolic Running 2.0 is depends on you, your current fitness level, your goals and how consistent you are with the program. As with any fitness program you should consult a doctor before starting especially if you have any health conditions.

In the end fitness is not a one size fits all solution. Anabolic Running 2.0 may be great for some but for others it may not be. The key to success in any fitness journey is finding a routine that’s sustainable and enjoyable that aligns with your goals and lifestyle.

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